Sunday, June 17, 2012

Discussion #3: Influence of the Media

Based on the presented quote in “Media and Society,” I can easily agree with the authors’ point. Media has become the go-to source for information among today’s youth. Media is just a more convenient and fun information delivery system. Today’s youth can quickly pull up headlines on their smartphones during their social studies classes in school! They’re paying more attention an electronic device then their teacher. This is something I’m guilty of myself. It also brings puts education and religion in the backseat. Many people are consistently bored with schooling and just want to get out in the world and work. With the help of the media and education, the scientific method is influencing people’s lives more and more every day. Many now see religion as an outdated way of scaring people and controlling them. In many ways the private corporations and government have taken over scaring and controlling the public with media.

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